Sunshine Haze
Prolonged sunshine haze,
Kissing sun to amaze,
Breathless fallen wind,
Heat refused rescind,
Yet still it's lapped up,
Our thirst for a full cup,
Sight of horizon lost,
Who cares the cost,
When the sun is here,
Make efforts to cheer,
For on these isles,
Rain rids smiles,
Its ever present threat,
Smile, the sun shine's yet.
It has indeed been a while good chums. I blame in the utmost a number of evil viral infections my computer acquired whilst innocently browsing the intersurf highways and byways. This most unfortunate position rendered me incapable of blogging, a most worrying state to be in. None the less my computer has been scoured and is safe again, albeit for how long is a much shrouded and highly perturbing mystery. Fear not for my poetic progress, whilst I may have been absent I have not been idle, so I present my work during the enforced interlude. This one was inspired by the superb weather we have had of late.
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