Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Musical Delights

Discovered Joy's

Resonations of taught skins beat,
What's this I hear? New sonic treat,
Primal joy instantaneous flares,
Catch moments through high-hat snares,
Hunger as elements form in merge,
Hearty bass gifts euphoric serge,
Strings action invisible dance,
A joining of no random chance,
Enchanting vocal melodies move me,
Still no longer time for groove to see,
Caught in the rapture of fresh delight,
New pleasure found, no same old shite,
Possible configurations must be done,
Yet musical paths have not nearly begun,
So it is with open and eager ears I long,
For the discovery of the next new song.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Car Horn C*nts

Blare your turbo charged air horn,
Escape hastily my wrath of scorn,
You speed by inches from my side,
That I've slowed you dents your pride,
Eager you are to shave four seconds,
Surely your destination heaven beckons?
For what other reason should I demand,
Such foul treatment from anothers hand?
There's no clarity of answer can I punt,
It must be that you're a human runt.


I spend a fair amount of time on a bicycle per week. Now 99% of drivers who pass me are nice folk who give plenty of room letting each of us go about our business without feeling the need to intrude into one another's lives barring a nod or wave of cheer. This poem is not for them. You might have worked out this is for those who feel the need to get on the airhorn allowing me to know, if the sound of there chugging to over revving engine failed to alert me, that they are indeed behind me and that they are angry about this. To those that feel that need, I hate you all. This poem was inspired by one in particular tw*tbag whom chirped his lack of humanity at both me and Mr. V humbly making our way to Brighton (a kickass ride it was), but is for all of you.